
Useful links and resources to help with your event planning and delivery of a safe event

The Purple Guide - the Purple Guide is designed to provide guidance for event organisers, suppliers, local authorities and others involved in the outdoor events industry, and its content is regarded by industry experts as 'best practice' event planning

Terms and conditions of hiring a park or open space

Please ensure you have read and understood these terms, and your responsibilities as an Event Organiser, before booking an event space

Event licensing - Somerset Council

Safety Advisory Group (SAG) - terms of reference

 SAG Terms of Reference - Somerset Council

Medical cover at events

Crowd safety and Counter Terrorism at events

External websites, information and support

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) event planning guidance

The Purple Guide - the Purple Guide is designed to provide guidance for event organisers, suppliers, local authorities and others involved in the outdoor events industry, and its content is regarded by industry experts as 'best practice' event planning

Public Liability Insurance

Performing Rights Society (PRS)  🎶- music licensing at events

PPL Licensing (Phonographic Performance Limited) 🎶- licensing recorded music when it is broadcast on radio, TV and online

ADIP - safety certification required for public use of mechanical / fairground rides

PIPA - safety certification required for public use of inflatables


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