Terms and Conditions

Whilst Somerset Council makes every effort to keep information on this website accurate, we disclaim any warranty or representation, expressed or implied about its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose.

Thus, you assume full responsibility for using the information at this website, and you understand and agree that neither Somerset Council nor its employees is responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage resulting from its use.

All material on this website, including text and graphics, is Copyright Somerset Council unless otherwise stated.

PDFs and Word Docs held on this site and external websites (not hosted by Somerset Council) will open in a new browser window.

We only link to organisations that offer non-commercial services to the residents of Somerset Council and other governmental and statutory agencies. In general we will not link to commercial sites. We may link to external sites that provide a useful service to the public although this is entirely at our discretion and follows our linking policy.

Linking policy

Somerset Council is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any site to which it is linked and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Linking to or from this site should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. There is no general duty to provide links from somerset.gov.uk to businesses in the area. 

We welcome links to our website providing that you follow these guidelines:

You must not:

  • Replicate (that is duplicate, copy, reproduce) content from the Somerset Council's website;
  • Create a frame or border environment around Somerset Council's website content;
  • Deep link to any Somerset Council content and by doing so pass it off as your website content;
  • Imply in any way that Somerset Council is endorsing your website or its products or services;
  • Present false information about Somerset Council;
  • Use any of Somerset Council's trademarks or logo without prior written consent.

You must ensure that:

  • The website is accessible;
  • The link takes users directly to the information on the external site relevant to the content on the Somerset Council web page;
  • Your website does not include content which would be construed as distasteful, controversial or offensive;
  • Your website does not infringe any intellectual property or other rights of any third parties.

Somerset Council expressly reserves the right to request that any link in breach of these terms be removed and to take whatever other action it deems appropriate.

Linking from this site

To let us know that you are linking to our site or to query anything in these guidelines please email events.west@somerset.gov.uk